Hi Love! I'm So Glad You're Here!
Welcome to my website! My name is Olivia Ahrens and I’ve created this page to be a virtual safe space to come to, providing you with life advice, inspirational messages, and overall positive energy. My intention with this website is to inspire and support fellow young adults with a mixture of honesty, humility, and even sometimes humor. Life is a wild ride and can especially be hard to navigate during the new found ups and downs of adulthood. Going from high school, through college, and into ‘the real world’ is wonderful and exhilarating, but it can also be massively stressful and confusing. Sometimes life seems to go by way too fast, and at other times, definitely not fast enough.
As a 20 something myself, I’ve realized that in this new chapter of life, we’ve been given a lot of new freedom, but we have little structure and support to develop the life skills that we desperately need.
Throughout this journey, we call life, there are peaks and valleys that we need to learn how to navigate in graceful manners. I hope this will be a gentle place for anyone, like myself, heading into (or already in) their twenties, to reflect on who we are, who we want to be, and how we want to live our best lives.
On this website, I will be posting:
-Pictures that bring me joy
-Everyday moments we tend to take for granted and why they shouldn't be ignored
-Inspirational quotes & messages
-Motivational songs, books, journals, etc.
-Skills I've implemented in my life that have helped me grow as an individual
-Blogs about life/ things I continue to learn
As stated earlier, I want this to be an honest platform, so I want to be vulnerable and tell you bit about me and my story…
When I was three weeks old, my family and I were hit head-on by a drunk driver. My whole life trajectory changed within seconds. I obviously have no memory of it , but I was called a “miracle baby” because based on the damage, I easily should have been killed. Instead, I emerged unscathed, but both my parents were severely injured; my mother especially. She broke her neck, as well as multiple bones, and was in a coma for weeks. Amazingly, she survived, but has been in a wheelchair ever since. While I count my blessings everyday for still having two living parents, there have been many challenges that I have faced throughout my life that are results of that one incident.
I easily could be resentful to the driver for causing unlimited difficulties for my family, however, through all the hardships, I am reminded that my life would have been completely different if it didn’t happen (for better or for worse) and I have grown to be thankful for all of the challenges I have faced that have made me into the person I am today.
Not only from the accident, but in other challenges I have had to face, I have been shown time and time again that everything happens for a reason. We may not know the reason for our hardships in the moment, but when we emerge from the valley, we get to look back and understand why we had to go through it, and how that lesson took us to where we needed to go. ​
Throughout my life, I have struggled with anxiety and depression which made it hard for me to fully experience and enjoy the beauty in everyday life.​ I think this is a common trend in our generation, and I hope this page can be used not only to help remind myself to sit in gratitude, but to also help all of you take a step back and start to fall in love with life and live everyday as the gift that it truly is.
Over the last few years, I have been going through the process of healing. Healing my spiritual, mental, and physical health after experiencing many instances of trauma, loss, tragedy, and adversity. Through this process, I've learned a lot, and have grown into a new and better person. I now feel that I have the skills to navigate life’s highs and lows, and I want to share these skills with others so that they can be equipped as well. There is so much peace that comes with knowing you're strong enough to handle any situation that life throws at you. I want you all to experience that peace too.
We all have control over our own lives, minds, and outlooks on life. We get to choose how we want to live. Let's LIV Life Gracefully!
Thank you so much for being here and I’m so glad we get to experience the journey of life together!